Bank3 News: Bank3 Sponsored Tennessee Housing Development Agency Education Symposium
Bank3 was a sponsor for the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) – Housing Education Symposium in Chattanooga, TN July 21 – 23, 2024.
Karen Stewart, Bank3’s Chief Compliance Officer and Denise Bowen, the Bank’s Community Development Mortgage Advisor represented Bank3. Karen presented on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and how each of us work together to further the important mission of bringing more affordable, sustainable housing options to bridge the racial homeownership gap across the various Tennessee regions.
The THDA team did an amazing job of bringing together relevant speakers across the industry including CFPB’s Deborah Royster, Assistant Director for the Office of Older Americans, David Berenbaum, Deputy Assistant Director of HUD’s Office of Housing Counseling, representation from the VA, FHA, Freddie Mac, USDA, Tennessee Fair Housing Council, and numerous local leaders and non-profit advocates that work tirelessly to further this important mission.